Hello Come In Music

Founded in 2006, Hello Come In has been an outlet for our musical experimentation and recording projects from various cities — D.C., Chicago, and Kansas City. This is the work of Aryn Crowley, Greg Johnson, Mike Katzif — mostly, though some include other collaborators as well.


In 2010, Mike, along with friends Robin Hilton and Meg Ruddick formed a new “band” to collaborate on an album recorded entirely in February, as part of the annual RPM Challenge.

GOLDEN DAYS, It Was Over Before We Began (RPM Challenge, Feb. 2010)


In 2009, Mike and Aryn reformed as a duo to make this “album” in entirely in the month of February, as part of the annual RPM Challenge.

HELLO COME IN, You Can’t Find Your Way Outside (RPM Challenge, Feb. 2009)



In 2007, the three of us undertook a challenge to record a short EP or collection of songs each month for an entire year. We documented the entire process for each song — from initial idea for finished product. Some are sketches, some are more fully formed demos, and some sound not too bad. Here they are for listening and downloading if you so choose.

HELLO COME IN, Temporary Setback (Jan. 2007)

HELLO COME IN, Clouded Spaces, Falling Skies (RPM Challenge, Feb. 2007)

HELLO COME IN, First Pull Up, Second Pull Down, Third Take Away (March 2007)

HELLO COME IN, Ancient Telephones (April 2007)

HELLO COME IN, The Cavalry Arrived Again (May 2007)

HELLO COME IN, Designed In Anticipation Of His Centennial Years (June 2007)

HELLO COME IN, The Rundown (July 2007)

HELLO COME IN, The Ninth Great Fire (Aug. 2007)

HELLO COME IN, Empty Bottles And Dog-Eared Books (Sept. 2007)

HELLO COME IN, I Can Fix Things In The Morning (Oct. 2007)

HELLO COME IN, We Are Full Of Useful Noise (Nov. 2007)

HELLO COME IN, The Last Duel (Dec. 2007)

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